




小編:環(huán)球教育教研中心 728



1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students could receive a better, more efficient education if they spend 11 months a year studying.

In my home country, students usually need to study for two semesters a year, which last for nearly nine months. Some people propose that students should spend eleven months a year studying, because students could acquire more knowledge if they study for three more months than before. However, to my understanding, students will not benefit from studying for eleven months for the following reasons.

If students have to go to school for eleven months a year, they will become less motivated sooner or later. For now, many high school students have already been complaining that they are tired of studying so hard to prepare for college entrance exam. As far as I know, high school students need to complete at least six courses each semester, and they have to compete with each other when applying for universities. Adding three more months of learning to students’ busy schedule will definitely make them feel more stressful and tired. Sooner or later, students will lose their interests in learning and become less motivated learners. In that case, students’ learning will become less efficient no matter how intense their learning schedule will be and how long they will study a year.

Further, if students use appropriate learning methods, they could achieve a better and more efficient education even though they only study for nine months a year. For example, as a language learner, I believe that choosing appropriate ways of learning that are suitable for me is the most effective way to learn a new language. I used to learn Japanese by taking an online course offered by a university. However, two years later, I found that my Japanese language proficiency was not improved at all. Once a friend of mine recommended that I could learn the language by watching Japanese dramas. Soon the plots in those dramas attracted me and I started to imitate the language that the characters use. Several months later I became able to talk in Japanese. After that, I travelled to Japan for two weeks and people from Tokyo complemented on my accent as well as the choice of words. My own experience shows that it is no use studying for a long time using inappropriate methods. However, if we choose learning methods that are suitable for us, we could achieve a more efficient education in a comparatively short term.

To conclude, it is better not to extend the length of studying per year from nine months to eleven months, because in this way students will feel extremely stressful and become less motivated in classrooms. It should also be noted that the most effective way to achieve a better and more efficient education for students is to choose appropriate learning methods.

2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: people should not spend a lot of time on communication by technologies, such as through social media or with text messages.

With the development of modern technologies, people today are enjoying communicating through social media and text messages, which is convenient compared to scheduling face-to-face meetings. However, some people argue that people should not spend too much time on communication using technological devices. I totally agree with this viewpoint for the following reasons.

To begin with, communicating through social media reduces the time people meet in real life. Convenient it might seem, in fact, this type of communication could isolate people from each other. To illustrate, while chatting through social media, we usually choose to type and send text messages, which lacks tones, intonations, and facial expressions to show our feelings. Even if we could use emoji, the emoji still fails to express our true feelings because those symbols and pictures are identical in everyone’s computer screens or cellphones. Gradually, people will not consider seriously the feelings conveyed by texts and emoji and thus the communications become less effective. For example, some people only “l(fā)ike” others’ pictures and sharing on Facebook without any comments. It is inevitable that people feel more and more isolated from each other by simply “l(fā)iking” each other’s postings online without meeting in person.

Moreover, always sticking to our cellphones or sitting in front of computers is harmful to our physical health. For instance, many people have found themselves suffering from muscle pain because of a sedentary lifestyle. On the contrary, if people meet in person, they might hang out and take a walk while taking to each other. Though different from doing exercises in gyms, this in person meeting at least enables people to relax and even sweat a little bit.

In addition, during spare time, people could choose to schedule a short trip, do some exercises, or simply read some books that they are interested in. The above types of activities are beneficial for our physical health, and could help broaden our horizons. In order not to become addicted to social media, it is necessary for us to limit the time we spending on our cell phones as well as the Internet.

Based on the above discussion, people should not spend a lot of time on communication by technologies, such as through social media or with text messages. On the contrary, we could meet in person, which could help us maintain social relationship with others. Besides, we should make use of our leisure time to do some beneficial activities instead of staring at the screen of our cellphones or computers all the time.

3.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The environmental issue is too complex to be handled by the individual.

Environmental issues, such as global warming and air pollution, have raised people’s awareness of protecting the environment during the past decades. Some people argue that individuals are responsible for handling those issues, whereas others do not believe so. To my understanding, the environmental issues are too complicated for individuals to deal with for the following reasons.

The first step to solve problems related to environment is to establish laws and set up rules that we could refer to. Obviously, individuals do not have the power to achieve this goal, but the governments and politicians have. The governments and politicians are definitely capable of assembling a team of professionals in the field of environment study, then discussing about issues that need to be handled, and finally drafting laws and rules of protecting the environment based on the discussion and scientific research. It could be seen that the process of establishing systematic laws and principles is extremely complicated, which is impossible for individuals to handle.

The second step to deal with environment issues is to implement laws and principles that set up by the governments and experts. As far as I am concerned, the implementation is large-scale industries’ duty rather than individuals’. According to a recent survey, the major sources of various types of pollution are large-scale industries and factories in my home country. If those industries and factories could follow laws and policies to minimize the amount of waste and hazardous materials disposed in rivers and lands, the pollution problem could be solved to a large extent. If they refuse to do so, environmental issues could not be handled no matter how many efforts individuals spend on protecting the environment. Based on the above discussion, large-scale industries and factories should be responsible of implementing laws and policies rather than individuals.

Admittedly, individuals should also participate in protecting our environment. For example, we could purchase recycled products, reduce the emission of CO2 by taking public transportation tools instead of private cars, and volunteer in eco-friendly organizations, to name a few. However, those efforts could help solve a small portion of environment problems, compared with complex tasks that need to be completed by the governments and large-scale industries.

To sum up, handling environmental issue needs the cooperation of our government and large-scale industries. Though individuals should take part in protecting the environment, they should not be assigned with all complicated tasks.

4. Agree or Disagree:teachers were more appreciated and valued by the society in the past than nowadays.

Nowadays, the whole society is paying more attention to the quality of education. As a result, teachers are usually assigned with more demanding teaching assignments. Some people argue that teachers today are more respected by the public because of their hardworking, whereas others do not believe so. In my opinion, teachers in the past were actually more appreciated and valued for the following reasons.

Admittedly, teachers today are playing a more important role than the past, but it does not mean that they are still appreciated and valued as authority any more. Todays’ teachers need to follow the schools’ policies and teach in accordance with the textbooks. To illustrate, teachers do not have to express their personal opinions and show their charisma in nowadays’ classrooms because both students’ parents and the schools only need satisfying final grades. This is true especially in primary and middle schools in my home country. It seems that teachers are trained in similar ways and teach uniformed knowledge in school.

Moreover, many professors in college-level education are spending less effort on classroom teaching but are devoting themselves to scientific research. This is resulted from the universities’ policies that the more rewarding professors’ scientific research is, the higher reputation professors could gain. Some professors just read the slices on their PowerPoint in class. Even if students negatively evaluate the professors, universities will not consider students’ evaluation seriously because the professors’ scientific achievements are more associated with the universities’ reputation. Gradually, students do not value teachers and professors’ work any more.

In contrast, teachers in the past were regarded as authority in their own fields of research because they did not rely on textbooks and felt free to express their own opinions on political and social issues.

Their words and behaviors were not strictly regulated by the governments’ policies and were not influenced by parents’ expectations. As a result, teachers in the past were more likely to express opinions from creative perspectives and thus looked up to by students.

To sum up, although teachers today are working under great pressure and have to consider many stakeholders’ expectations towards the educational quality, they are actually not as appreciated and valued than teachers in the past. However, teachers should not be blamed for this result, and they have to follow not only the schools’ policies, otherwise they will lose their jobs.

5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: To be happy, it is more important to maintain a small group of friends over a long period of time than it is to make new friends.

No one would deny that friendship is an indispensable part in our life. Friends bring laughter to our life and comfort us when we feel unhappy. Some people argue that old friends who have spent more time with us are more reliable, and thus we should maintain a small group of friends over a long period, compared to making new friends. However, to my understanding, to be happy, making new friends is more important for the following reasons.

Admittedly, we should cherish old friends who have known us for a long time. We share similar interests and much experience with them, and we feel happy hanging out and talking with our old friends. However, it would be boring if we always stick to one group of people and refuse to make new friends because the shared topics between our old friends and us are limited after all. In contrast, making new friends could benefit us in different ways and thus make us feel happier.

First, making new friends could broaden our horizons. The new experience and knowledge they bring to us could make us feel happier. Take my own experience as an example. I am a big fun of travelling to other countries and I love to make friends with the local people. Last year, I went to the United States and met lots of new friends who are native speakers of English. As a foreign language learner of English, I used to practice my spoken English by myself. After I became friends with those native English speakers, we usually chat with each other through social media. Gradually, my spoken English is improved to a large extent, and I felt very happy about the progress I made.

Further, making new friends enables us to reflect on ourselves from more varied perspectives, thus we could become better person in the future, which could definitely makes us feel happy. Our new friends, who are less familiar with us than our old friends, will not pre-assume the type of person we are. Through interactions with them, we could continuously learn more about our personalities because they will provide us with feedback about their feelings towards us. Gradually, we could understand comprehensively about our weaknesses and strength, which could help us reflect on ourselves and become better person.

Based on the above discussion, making new friends is more rewarding than to maintaining old friends.



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