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小編:白麗 410

  be pleased to 樂意做某事

  used to be 過去曾經(jīng)是

  bachelor’s degree 學士學位

  be involved in 被卷入……中;涉及到……

  be trapped in 被困在

  fail to 未能

  be guilty of 犯有…罪

  out of one’s mind 瘋了;發(fā)瘋;精神不正常;失去理智

  be unworthy of 不值得

  be suitable for 適合于…的

  soak up 汲取(知識等)

  be responsible to 對…負責

  strive to 努力做某事

  at the rear of 在…的后面

  be named after 以…名字命名have difficulty doing 做某事有困難

  more or less 或多或少

  draw conclusion from 從…得出結論

  be noted for 以…而聞名

  up-to-date 最新的

  refrain from 克制;抑制;忍住

  afford to (有條件)做;能承擔

  have ... in common 有共同之處

  wind its way to 蜿蜒而行

  speed up 加速;使加速by any means 無論如何

  be strict with 對…要求嚴格

  pull through 渡過難關

  place emphasis on 重視;強調

  give top priority to 優(yōu)先考慮

  be addicted to 對…上癮;沉溺于

  have no sense of 不知道

  run away from 逃跑,逃離;從…逃出

  bring ...to an end 使結束

  be bound to 必然bring about 引起

  break down 瓦解

  talk someone out of 說服某人不做某事

  keep one’s distance from 與…保持一定距離

  burn down 燒毀

  blow up 爆炸

  close down (工廠、企業(yè)等)停業(yè);關閉

  a scarcity of 缺乏,缺少

  be bored with 對…感到厭煩

  blame for 責備,責怪

  hold back 抑制; 控制

  to what extent 在何種程度上

  in accordance with 依照;與…一致

  be bent on 專心致力于

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