




小編:環(huán)球教育整理 471

  Talk about an object, tool, or piece of equipment that you depend on in your daily life. Explain how it makes your life easier.

  I depend on my Smartphone in my daily life and it has made my life alot easier because all the information and apps I need for work andsocial life are in my Smartphone. For example, I don’t use an alarmclock in the morning because there’s an app for that in my phone.Once I leave my apartment, I use the GPS in my phone to navigate theroute with the least traffic to my office. If I’m stuck in thetraffic,Ican start checking for important emails from clients or colleagues inmy car or even make some phone calls to get some problems solvedbefore I,mactually in the office. After work, I use instant messengers on myphone to connect with friends. Without my Smartphone, everything inlife would be time consuming and complicated.

  If you have an opportunity to go to a free class during the weekend,which of the following would you choose to go to public speaking, starting your own business, or photography and why? Please include details and examples in your explanation.

  Personally,Iwould choose to take a class on public speaking because speaking inpublic is such an important skill both at school and at work. Forexample,whenI was in college, some of the seminars required us to makepresentations in front of everyone in class. However, I alwaysstruggled with those activities because I used to have stage freightand most people had a difficult time understanding the main ideas I was trying to convey to them. Now I’ve become an engineer. I spendmost of the time in front of a computer, but there are still timeswhen I still have to pitch some ideas to our clients. It would bereally helpful if someone can teach me how to make a public speecheffectively. Therefore, I would take the public speaking class.

  If a high school is planning to organize an after-school activity for its students, what kind of activity would you recommend and why?

  I strongly recommend that the high school should organize basketballmatches for the students. The most important reason is thatbasketball matches will help students build up their stamina, whichbrings great benefits to their study and the activities willcertainly encourage more students to take part in sports rather thanspend all day long on their academic study, which leads to a poorhealth condition and low efficiency in study. Second, Basketballmatches are able to help students learn cooperation and competition,which are essential for them when they get started to work.

  Is it important to have good manners?

  Of course, it’s very important. First of all, you only have seconds tomake a good impression. We meet thousands of people in our lives and most meetings are brief and superficial, so not everyone is aspatient as your parents. A decent haircut, clean face and goodmanners will be noticed and have a significant effect on your life.Secondly, as the writer of “the game of throne” puts it,courtesies are women’s best weapons. Even if you have donesomething wrong, if you appear gracious and grateful, much will beforgiven, just like Sansa in the TV series, although her father andbrother are regarded as traitors, she never forget her manners and isspared by her enemies. So having good manners is important, and insome cases it can help you enormously.


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