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Places & Buildings 地點(diǎn)&建筑篇

1. Describe a place you would like to go in the holiday (描述你想度假的地方) P3:人們?yōu)槭裁椿厝ツ切┚包c(diǎn)?為什么有趣?外國(guó)人回去哪些景點(diǎn)為什么?描述一下當(dāng)?shù)氐奈幕尘氨热缧陆蛘呶鞑兀?/p>

2.Describea swimming pool (描述一個(gè)游泳池) p3: 老年人游泳危險(xiǎn)么?設(shè)備對(duì)于運(yùn)動(dòng)重要么?政府會(huì)出一定的費(fèi)用給運(yùn)動(dòng)器材么?

3.Describeacafé you visited last time(描述一個(gè)你上次去過(guò)的咖啡館) P3:你在咖啡館里干什么?為什么你認(rèn)為咖啡館是安靜的地方?咖啡館和飯館的區(qū)別?中國(guó)人對(duì)于咖啡館的印象?Willyou choose orrestaurant when you meet others ?

4. Describe an activity near sea ( what do you do , the preparation?) p3:what kinds of people relay on the sea ? what other activities dopeople in the sea ? 什么職業(yè)是依靠大海?

5. Describeaninteresting house or apartment you visited (描述一個(gè)你訪問(wèn)過(guò)的有趣房子或公寓)(where,whosehome,why you go there , why it is so interesting ) P3: Why people want to movefromnew buildings ? 你愿意住這種房子么?在中國(guó)人們更多選擇住什么房子?

6. Describe a company & organization ( what company it is, how big , what do you do in it/what do people do in there  , explain how do you feel about it . )P3 年輕人找工作容不容易? Young woman 在中國(guó)會(huì)喜歡的職業(yè)?錢(qián)重要還是興趣重要?你會(huì)做飯么?要嘗試做么?你認(rèn)為美食重要么?旅游的時(shí)候你愛(ài)吃很多東西么?

7. Describe a city you’ve visited that you like (描述你訪問(wèn)過(guò)的一個(gè)喜歡的城市, where is it , when did you go there , what did you do there ,explain whether you like it or not )p3:what makes a city a god one to live in ? what people can do to improve the quality ?  影響城市發(fā)展的因素是什么?一個(gè)城市的地理位置與它的發(fā)展有關(guān)么?與它的建筑風(fēng)格有關(guān)么?

8. Describe a place where has lots of people ( 描述人多的一個(gè)地方, 什么時(shí)候,你在那里干嘛,和誰(shuí)在一起,心情如何) p3: 住在人多的地方你會(huì)怎樣?如何增進(jìn)鄰里感情?

9. Describea shopopen in your hometown (描述你們家鄉(xiāng)的一個(gè)商店,在哪,賣(mài)什么,誰(shuí)在這購(gòu)物)P3: 什么類(lèi)型的shop 在中國(guó)受歡迎? 中國(guó)是否應(yīng)該保護(hù)那些小商店? Smallshop 同largeshop的區(qū)別在哪?喜歡大商店還是小商店? Why?商店應(yīng)該怎樣吸引顧客?政府應(yīng)該保護(hù)小商店嗎?How?  商店如何吸引年輕顧客和老年顧客?

10.Describea quietplace (描述一個(gè)安靜的地方).Part3: 什么地方?jīng)]有噪音,生產(chǎn)噪音的原因是啥?安靜的地方還有哪里?人們?yōu)槭裁聪矚g安靜的地方?工作的時(shí)候需要絕對(duì)安靜么? 你會(huì)一邊聽(tīng)歌,一邊工作么?

Event & Experiences 事件&經(jīng)歷篇

1. Describeanexperience in countryside (什么時(shí)候去的,和誰(shuí)去,去做什么,然后為什么是enjoyable)(描述一下你在鄉(xiāng)村度過(guò)的美好一天)P3: 為什么有人愿意留在農(nóng)村? 鄉(xiāng)村和城市有什么不同? 現(xiàn)在的鄉(xiāng)村跟過(guò)去比有什么不同?

2. Describe an eventin history in yourcountry /Describe an important event in your country(描述你們國(guó)家的一個(gè)歷史事件/國(guó)家的一重要事件)P3: Doyou likehistory ? History museum useful ? Should museum be free? 未來(lái)的博物館會(huì)有現(xiàn)在的什么物品作為文物? Shouldprivateperson build museum ? How show lives 2000 years ago in the museums ?要是選擇一樣21世紀(jì)的東西在博物館里向未來(lái)的人展示,你覺(jué)得應(yīng)該選么?你們都是怎么樣學(xué)習(xí)歷史和古代的歷史偉人事件呢?

3. Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger (when , where , ) p3: 為什么人們喜歡和陌生人談話? Face to facetalk 和online chatting 喜歡哪個(gè)?男女哪個(gè)更喜歡說(shuō)話?

4.Describe a thing that you could remember well in your childhood (描述你童年時(shí)期記憶深刻的一件事) P3: 你的童年快樂(lè)的記憶大都發(fā)生在哪里?為什么你想起的最多的是在學(xué)校里而不是和父母?人們?yōu)槭裁纯偸悄苡洃浧鹜甑目鞓?lè)?比起過(guò)去人們現(xiàn)在更應(yīng)該記得什么?你是否認(rèn)為現(xiàn)在的記憶比過(guò)去更重要?

5. Describeadecision you disagreed with (who, what decision, have you told her orhim,explain why you disagree) P3: 青少年有哪些艱難決定要做? 沒(méi)做好決定的話有什么壞的影響? 怎么做好決定?如何使用這些方法? 為啥有些人還是不用這些方法? 為什么有人用了這些方法還是沒(méi)做好決定? 還有啥其它決定年輕人應(yīng)該自己做?

6. Describesth. Youare waiting for (描述一件你正在等待的事情,what is it , what did youdo during thewaiting , what you felt during waiting, what does it mean to you).Part 3: 等待好么? 耐心. 人們每天都在等什么? 每天有什么事情需要等待?人們比過(guò)去要有耐心么?whydo people dislike waiting ? Do you think people have to havepatience ? Ispatience always a good characteristic ? Do you think childrenhave more patiencethan adults ?

7. Describeyourexperience on good service , a shop or restaurant ( when , where, what,how isyou feeling) (描述一個(gè)經(jīng)歷的好的服務(wù)) P3:Service inlarge shop and small shop different ? how people do when they get badservice?  whysome people don’t know what service is good ?

8. Describe an important change in your life (描述人生中一次比較重要的變化(或者新的開(kāi)始) , 最后問(wèn)了一句我的朋友是否對(duì)我的這個(gè)驚訝表示驚訝?  P3: 讓children接觸新的事物是否有好處?為什么有的children 會(huì)拒絕新的事物或變化?現(xiàn)在的年輕人是否經(jīng)常換工作?你是否認(rèn)同?

9.Describean experience that you are not allowed use mobile phone ( 描述一次不允許帶手機(jī)的經(jīng)歷) (where , why, what did you do) P3:Different usephone of young & old people ? why ? your attitude ? 公共場(chǎng)合大聲打電話什么影響?舉例說(shuō)明手機(jī)在生活上帶來(lái)的很大的變化?用手機(jī)拍照浪費(fèi)時(shí)間么?

10.Describea team work /project you did with others (描述一個(gè)團(tuán)隊(duì)活動(dòng)) P3:你覺(jué)得團(tuán)隊(duì)工作重要么?團(tuán)隊(duì)工作對(duì)小孩好么?作為組員,你應(yīng)該怎么樣?作為組長(zhǎng),是不是應(yīng)該承擔(dān)更多的責(zé)任?組長(zhǎng)應(yīng)該有什么樣的特質(zhì)?

11. Describe a time when you moved to a new school orhome (描述你搬家的經(jīng)歷, when you moved , where you moved from andto , why you moved , and explain how you felt about this move) p3: 人們?yōu)樯栋峒??哪些人不搬家?只住一個(gè)房子的缺點(diǎn)?孩子面對(duì)變化更容易調(diào)整自己么?

12. Describe a speech you heard (描述你聽(tīng)過(guò)的一個(gè)演講) p3: why do some people is difficult to give a speech to children ?why did people nervous to have a speech to adults ?

13. Describe an occasion that tried an activity for the first time (描述你第一次嘗試過(guò)的一個(gè)活動(dòng))p3: Do you try sth new ? Do you have any risky behaviors ?

14. Describe a time you arrived early ( when , where , what you did, why )  p3: What occasions should goearly ? 工作和朋友哪個(gè)更應(yīng)該早到?人們?yōu)槭裁唇?jīng)常遲到,老人和年輕人有什么不同嗎?有的人希望改正,怎么改?

15. Describe a happy event in your childhood (描述你童年時(shí)期開(kāi)心的經(jīng)歷) p3: 小孩兒一般記得什么東西?成年人一般記得什么東西?

16. Describe sth. You want to do but never did before ( 描述一個(gè)你想做但是從沒(méi)做過(guò)的事) p3: 年輕人的目標(biāo)是啥? 成年人的目標(biāo)是啥?老年人的目標(biāo)是啥?賺錢(qián)重要么?

17. Describe a plan you did before ( 描述你坐過(guò)的一個(gè)計(jì)劃)/a plan in the future 一個(gè)未來(lái)的計(jì)劃 p3: 為什么有的人有計(jì)劃有的人沒(méi)有計(jì)劃?學(xué)習(xí)有什么計(jì)劃?

18. Describe a challenging experience ( 描述一個(gè)有挑戰(zhàn)性的經(jīng)歷) p3: 為什么人們會(huì)參加有挑戰(zhàn)性的活動(dòng)?為什么有人不喜歡參加有挑戰(zhàn)性的活動(dòng)?他們會(huì)考慮風(fēng)險(xiǎn)么? 當(dāng)他們失敗他們會(huì)有什么感受?當(dāng)他們成功會(huì)有什么感覺(jué)?

19. Describe a time to a new place (描述一次去新地方的經(jīng)歷)p3:小孩子和成年人的適應(yīng)性比較?

20. Describe a happy/an interesting wedding ( 描述一段愉快的婚禮,是誰(shuí)的,結(jié)婚多久了之類(lèi)的)p3: 為什么現(xiàn)在晚婚?還有結(jié)婚習(xí)俗穿著?

21. Describe an occasion you saw all the people laughing (描述一個(gè)場(chǎng)景我看到所有人都在笑, where, when, with sb.? Why ?) p3: 會(huì)不會(huì)有從來(lái)不笑的人?人為什么笑?  笑重要么?有人說(shuō)女人比男人要經(jīng)常笑這是真的么?你覺(jué)得小是很有吸引力的對(duì)嗎?

22. Describe good memories you had when you were a child (描述一童年的美好回憶) p3 關(guān)于美好回憶的討論。

Social Media & Entertainment 社會(huì)媒體&娛樂(lè)篇

1.Describe a kind of weather you like (描述你喜歡的一天氣, what weather,what do you do,how the weather affects your mood) P3:季節(jié)的變化和穿衣服的變化?天氣對(duì)人們的影響?看不看天氣預(yù)報(bào)?你喜歡變化多端的天氣還是平靜的好天氣?Whatdo you wear when it is cold outside ? why people need towear think clothes whenit is cold outside ?

2. Describe a TV drama series (描述一個(gè)你喜歡的電視連續(xù)劇,名字,演員,講的什么,為什么喜歡?) p3: 在你的國(guó)家老年人更喜歡什么節(jié)目?過(guò)去和現(xiàn)在的電視節(jié)目質(zhì)量相比,有什么改變? Will you recommend it to your friends ? what do you think about TVsoap operas ? Do you often watch TV?  Doyou think soap operas do any good ? what benefits do you think soap operas havebrought us ?

3. Describe a sport event you like watching (描述你最喜歡看的體育項(xiàng)目, watching sport ,什么運(yùn)動(dòng),在哪里看,跟誰(shuí),為什么喜歡這個(gè)運(yùn)動(dòng))p3: 為什么一些少年喜歡看體育頻道而自己又整天在沙發(fā)上不去做運(yùn)動(dòng)?你認(rèn)為應(yīng)該做些啥能鼓勵(lì)人們多運(yùn)動(dòng)?運(yùn)動(dòng)有啥好處?中國(guó)人喜歡看什么運(yùn)動(dòng)?中國(guó)人不喜歡看什么運(yùn)動(dòng)?你喜歡什么運(yùn)動(dòng)?

4. Describeawell-paid job you are good at (描述一個(gè)你擅長(zhǎng)的高薪工作) P3:為什么有些工作工資高? 政府工作能賺非法錢(qián)么? 人民工資有高有底公平么? 工資高的人會(huì)lazy嗎?

5. Describe an English class (描述一英語(yǔ)課) p3: 學(xué)習(xí)language, 為什么有人學(xué)的快,有人學(xué)的慢,為什么學(xué)習(xí)第二種語(yǔ)言,語(yǔ)法在學(xué)語(yǔ)言重要么?需要motivation 做事嗎?語(yǔ)言老師應(yīng)該具備啥素質(zhì)?為啥現(xiàn)在對(duì)多語(yǔ)言人才需求很大?

6. Describe an expensive sport (描述一個(gè)昂貴的體育)p3: 你認(rèn)為最貴的事是什么,男人和女人買(mǎi)的東西有什么不同,為什么男人不喜歡那些呢?

7. Describea websiteyou know (描述你知道的一個(gè)網(wǎng)站(howdo you know ? 多經(jīng)常去看這個(gè)website, why) P3:你覺(jué)得年輕人適合的上網(wǎng)年齡是幾歲? 網(wǎng)絡(luò)在幾歲的年齡段最流行? 除了剛說(shuō)的那個(gè)website還有什么嗎? 覺(jué)得應(yīng)該多上網(wǎng)么?政府和公司有責(zé)任限制網(wǎng)絡(luò)上不好的信息么?網(wǎng)購(gòu)的利弊?老人會(huì)使用網(wǎng)站么?

8. Describe a popular invention in all ages (描述一受歡迎的發(fā)明,哪種發(fā)明,對(duì)社會(huì)的影響很大,為什么會(huì)這樣?在不同年齡中受不歡迎程度, what it is , how , how popular in different ages )  P3 machine , robot, appliance 說(shuō)一些家里的invention ? drawbacks 是啥?

9. Describe a good news you heard from someone you know ( what ,whom)  p3: media news , celebrate goodnews ?

10. Describe a festival you would like to celebrate in the future ( 描述喜歡在未來(lái)過(guò)什么節(jié)日) P3: 問(wèn)孩子是否該去國(guó)外?喜歡和家人進(jìn)行的戶外活動(dòng)是什么?


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