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小編:長(zhǎng)安 868


  Part 1必考一級(jí)超高頻重點(diǎn)話題



  2.打發(fā)無(wú)聊 killing time


  3.假期 holiday


  4.錢 money


  5.地圖 map



  6.書信 letter and email


  7.外國(guó)食物 foreign food


  8.植物 plant







  Part 1 必考二級(jí)超高頻重點(diǎn)話題

  1.Name 名字

  2.Work or study 學(xué)習(xí)或工作

  3.Accommodation/living/house or flat (apartment) 居住情況/房子或公寓

  4.Being late/lateness/punctuality/being on time 遲到/準(zhǔn)時(shí)

  5.Animal 動(dòng)物

  6.Friends 朋友

  7.Gifts 禮物

  8.Daily transport 日常交通

  9.Outdoor exercise/outdoor activities 戶外鍛煉或活動(dòng)

  10.Dictionary 字典

  11.Sleep 睡眠

  12.Rainy days 雨天

  13.Applications 應(yīng)用

  14.Music 音樂(lè)

  15.Writing 寫作

  16.Newspaper 報(bào)紙

  17.Boat/boating 船/劃船

  18.Advertisement 廣告

  19.Future job/ideal job/dream job 未來(lái)工作/理想工作

  20.Travel (incl.太空旅行) 旅行

  21.Teacher & school life 老師 & 學(xué)校生活

  Part 2必考一級(jí)超高頻重點(diǎn)話題

  1.Something that you can concentrate on/something that can make youconcentrate集中精力

  2.An experience when you went shopping in a street market街邊市場(chǎng)

  3.A math class / something useful you learned from math classes數(shù)學(xué)

  4.Your first mobile phone / the impact your first mobile phone had on yourlife首部手機(jī)

  5.An interesting job有趣工作

  6.A competition you want to join in比賽

  7.A building you like建筑

  8.A meaningful song that you like歌曲

  9.Something you wore on special occasions穿戴之物

  10.Something that you own but you want to replace取代

  11.A time when you had to change your plan (mind)改變計(jì)劃

  12.Describe a person who you know, you like and is very talkative健談之人

  13.An interesting animal有趣動(dòng)物

  14.A perfect holiday or vacation away from home完美假期

  15.A party you went to before派對(duì)

  16.Something that happened recently and made you happy開心的事

  17.A trip you took public transport to乘公共交通去的旅行、

  18.A trip you plan to have   計(jì)劃的旅行

  19.A popular comic actor/actress  喜劇演員(鑫姐在4月曾公布和講過(guò)此話題在5月-8月出現(xiàn)概率極高,請(qǐng)大家繼續(xù)在未來(lái)9月變題重視起來(lái))

  20.The subject that you like most科目

  21.Something important you lost  丟失的要物

  22.Something interesting that some of your friends have done but you havenot  朋友做過(guò)而我沒(méi)做過(guò)的有趣之事

  23.A good decision that someone around you made recently  好決定

  24.A recent development in your city   城市發(fā)展

  25.A country or a city you want to work in or live in   國(guó)家或城市

  26.A public place that needs to be improved   需改善

  27.A magazine you like  雜志

  28.A quiet place you like安靜之地 / A place that you like to visit  喜歡之地

  29.A sport you have watched and want to try   運(yùn)動(dòng)

  30.A childhood friend you like   童年朋友

  31.A time whenyou saved money for something   攢錢或省錢

  32.An important river or lake in your country   河流或湖泊

  Part 2必考二級(jí)高頻話題

  1.A special day out that did not cost much money 花費(fèi)不多的特殊一天(外面)

  2.An important event that you celebrated  慶祝要事

  3.A good parent好父母

  4.A technology you like using (not a computer)技術(shù)

  5.A person who often visits your home / an occasion when someone visitedyour home做客

  6.A website you like

  7.A special dinner you had   特殊一餐

  8.A leisure facility (like a cinema, a theater or a sports center) you liketo have in your hometown   娛樂(lè)設(shè)施

  9. A TV program you like   電視節(jié)目

  10.A time when you had to be polite   不得不禮貌

  11.Something you enjoy doing with an old person of your family   喜歡與一位年老家人做的事

  12.The season you like most in a year季節(jié)

  13.A famous sportsman or athlete you admire   運(yùn)動(dòng)員

  14.A popular person you know    受歡迎的人

  15.A famous person you are interested in   名人

  16.An impressive story someone told you   故事

  17.An occasion when you helped someone (who, what you did, when, why)幫助

  18.A historical period you are interested in歷史時(shí)期

  19.A photo you can remember clearly/that someone took for you

  20.A good/happy service you got recently  好服務(wù)

  21.A traditional product in your country /a piece of furniture/

  22.A toy in your childhood



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