Life is hard, but when we have hope in our hearts, we still have a choice.身陷困境,不怨。
In trouble, don't complain.All kinds of taste are life, taste to know its meaning.- kinds / ka?ndz / n. 種類;特征
- taste / taste / n. 味道,滋味;味覺;愛好,興趣
- meaning / ?mi?n?? / n. 意思,意義,含義,價值
Life ups and downs, freedom in the high, growth in the trough.《肖申克的救贖》成年人的潛規(guī)則:身處低谷,除了自渡,他人愛莫能助The unspoken rule of adulthood: When you're at rock bottom, you can't help yourself.As the saying goes, the weak save themselves, the strong save themselves.
- weak / wi?k / adj. 虛弱的,懦弱的
- themselves / e?m?selvz / pron. 他們自己;他們親自
- strong / str?? / v. 相信;認為,猜想
The play has a very strong cast. She was born with a weak heart.
有人說,心里盛得住艱難人生,眼里才留得住云淡風輕。Some people say that the heart is filled with hard life, eyes to stay in the clouds.有一位作家曾說:“人到一定歲數(shù),自己就得是那個屋檐,再也無法另找地方躲雨了。”A writer once said, "When one reaches a certain age, he must be the roof himself. He can no longer find shelter elsewhere." No one has an easy time in life.When in trouble, it is better to carry the lamp than to complain about the darkness.
- elsewhere / ?els?we?(r) / adv. 在別處,去別處
- trouble / ?tr?b(?)l / n. 困難,難題,苦惱;險境
- complain / k?m?ple?n / v. 訴說 (病痛);<文>悲嘆,悲鳴
You've caused us a lot of trouble.All she ever does is complain.
When you're at the bottom, keep your strength.
有人說,在最黑暗的那段人生,如果沒有人把你拉出深淵,你就做那個人。They say that in the darkest times of your life, if someone doesn't pull you out, be that person.
把逆境看作蛻變前的錘煉,放平心態(tài),埋頭苦干,再苦的日子也能熬出回甘。Regard adversity as tempering before metamorphosis, put down the mentality, hard work, and then the bitter day can also boil back to gan. - adversity / ?d?v??s?ti / n. 逆境,厄運
- metamorphosis / ?met??m??f?s?s / n. 變形;變質(zhì)
- boil / b??l / v. (使)沸騰,煮沸,燒開
The government cannot afford to be indifferent to public opinion.
Keep the kettle at the boil.
The poet Misuzu Kaneko said:
"Go to the bright side, even if it's just spacious, go to the sunny side."