小編:環(huán)小球 1195有哪些復(fù)雜而美妙的英文單詞?托福備考單詞整理分享!正在備考托福的學(xué)生可以收藏學(xué)習(xí)一下,以防在托??荚囬喿x題目中遇到,按照 a-z 排列,并附上音標(biāo)和發(fā)音示范,大家可以邊看邊跟讀,一起感受一個(gè)小小的英文單詞蘊(yùn)含的復(fù)雜而美妙的意義。
ailurophile [e?'l??r?fa?l] a cat-lover 極其喜愛貓的人,喵星人
assemblage [?'sembl?d?] a gatherin 集會(huì)、聚集
becoming [bi'k?mi?] attractive 相稱的,好看的
beleaguer [bi'li:ɡ?] to exhaust with attacks 圍攻
brood [bru:d] to think alone 獨(dú)自沉思
bucolic [bju?'k?l?k] in a lovely rural setting 田園牧歌的
bungalow ['b??ɡ?l?u] a small, cozy cottage 平房,小屋
chatoyant [??'t???nt]] like a cat’s eye 貓眼石,光澤會(huì)變化的
comely ['k?ml?] attractive 清秀的,標(biāo)志的
conflate [k?n'fleit] to blend together 合并
cynosure [?s?n?zj??(r)] a focal point of admiration 引人注目的焦點(diǎn)
dalliance [?d?li?ns] a brief love affair 調(diào)情
demesne [d??me?n] dominion, territory 領(lǐng)地
demure [d??mj??(r)] shy and reserved 嫻靜的,害羞的
denouement [de?'nu:m??] the resolution of a mystery 小說、戲劇的終場(chǎng)
desuetude ['desw?tju:d] disuse 廢棄
desultory ['des(?)lt(?)r?] slow, sluggish 散漫的,斷斷續(xù)續(xù)的
diaphanous [dai'?f?n?s] filmy 模糊的,透明的
dissemble [d??sembl] deceive 假裝,掩飾(感情、意圖等)
dulcet ['d?lsit] sweet, sugary 美妙的,悅耳的
ebullience [i'b?lj?ns] bubbling enthusiasm 興高采烈,沸騰
effervescent [,ef?'ves?nt] bubbly 冒泡的,沸騰的
efflorescence [,efl?:'res?ns] flowering, blooming 開花,粉化
elision [i'li??n] dropping a sound or syllable in a word 讀音省略
elixir [i'liks?] a good potion 長(zhǎng)生不老藥,煉金藥
eloquence ['el?kw?ns] beauty and persuasion in speech 雄辯口才
embrocation [,embr?'ke??(?)n] rubbing on a lotion 涂擦患處
emollient [i'm?li?nt] a softener 軟化劑
ephemeral [?'fem(?)r(?)l] short-lived 短暫的,朝生暮死的
epiphany [?’p?f?n?] a sudden revelation 頓悟
erstwhile ['?:sthwail] at one time, for a time 從前的,往昔的
ethereal [i?θ??ri?l] gaseous, invisible but detectable 輕的,像空氣的
evanescent [,i:v?'nes?nt] vanishing quickly, lasting a very shorttime 容易消散的,凋零的
evocative [i'v?k?tiv] suggestive 喚起的
fetching ['fet???] pretty 漂亮的
felicity [f??l?s?ti] pleasantness 快樂
forbearance [f?:bε?r?ns] withholding response toprovocation 自制,忍耐
fugacious [fju:'ɡei??s] fleeting 短暫無常的,易逃逸的
furtive ['f?:tiv] shifty, sneaky 鬼鬼祟祟的
gambol ['ɡ?mb?l] to skip or leap about joyfully 雀躍
glamour ['ɡl?m?] beauty 迷人的魔力
gossamer ['ɡ?s?m?] the finest piece of thread, a spider’ssilk 蛛絲,薄紗
halcyon ['h?lsi?n] happy, sunny, care-free 寧?kù)o,平穩(wěn)
harbinger ['hɑ:bind??] messenger withnews of the future 預(yù)告者
imbrication [,imbri'kei??n] overlapping and forming a regular pattern 鱗狀重疊
imbroglio [im'br?ulj?u] an altercation or complicated situation 糾葛,紛擾
imbue [im'bju:] to infuse, instill 灌輸,感染
incipient [in'sipi?nt] beginning, in an early stage 初始的
ineffable [in'ef?bl] unutterable, inexpressible 難以形容的,不可言喻的
ingénue [,?n?ei'nju:] a na?ve young woman 天真無邪的少女
inglenook ['i?ɡlnuk] a cozy nook by the hearth 爐邊
insouciance [in'su:sj?ns] blithe nonchalance 漫不經(jīng)心的,無憂無慮的
inure [i'nju?] to become jaded 習(xí)慣
labyrinthine [,l?b?'rinθain] twisting and turning 迷宮般的
lagniappe [l?n'j?p] a special kind of gift 小贈(zèng)品
lagoon [l?'ɡu:n] a small gulf or inlet 瀉湖,咸水湖
languor ['l??ɡ?] listlessness, inactivity 疲倦,無精打采
lassitude ['l?sitju:d] weariness, listlessness 疲憊
leisure [?li:??r] free time 閑暇
lilt [lilt] tomove musically or lively 輕快的動(dòng)作
lissome ['lis?m] slender and graceful 輕快敏捷的
lithe [laie] slender and flexible 輕盈的,柔軟的
love [l?v] deep affection 愛
mellifluous [m?'liflu?s] sweetsounding 蜜糖般的
moiety ['m???t?] one of two equalparts 一半
mondegreen [m?nd?'ɡri:n] a slip of theear 誤聽的詞,曲解的詞
murmurous ['m?:m?r?s] murmuring 竊竊私語的
nemesis [?nem?s?s] an unconquerablearchenemy 天罰,報(bào)應(yīng)
offing ['?f??] the sea between the horizon and the offshore 較遠(yuǎn)而可見的海面
onomatopoeia [,?n?um?t?u'pi:?] a word that sounds like its meaning 擬聲
opulent ['?pjul?nt] lush, luxuriant 豐裕的
palimpsest ['p?limpsest] a manuscript written over earlier ones 重寫本
panacea [,p?n?'si:?] a solution for all problems 萬能藥,靈丹妙藥
panoply ['p?n?pli] a complete set 全副盔甲
pastiche [p?s'ti:?] an art work combining materials from various work 混成曲,模仿畫
penumbra [pi'n?mbr?] a half-shadow 半影
petrichor ['petr?k?] the smell of earth after rain 雨后泥土的味道
plethora ['pleθ?r?] a large quantity 過多過剩
propinquity [pr?u'pi?kwiti] an inclination 接近,近親關(guān)系
pyrrhic ['pirik] successful with heavy losses 付出極大代價(jià)換來的成功
quintessential [,kwint?'sen??l] most essential 精髓的
ratatouille [,r?t?'twi:] a spicy French stew 辣味法式燉菜
ravel ['r?v?l] to knit or unknit 糾纏,錯(cuò)綜復(fù)雜的一團(tuán)
redolent [?red?l?nt]fragrant 氣味強(qiáng)烈的
riparian [ra??pe?ri?n] by the bank of a stream 河畔
ripple ['r?p(?)l] a very small wave 漣漪
scintilla [s?n't?l?] a spark or very small thing 火花閃爍
sempiternal [,sempi't?:n?l] eternal 永恒的
seraglio [si'rɑ:li?u] rich, luxurious orientalpalace or harem 蘇丹宮殿
serendipity [,ser(?)n'd?p?t?] finding somethingnice unexpectedly 意外發(fā)現(xiàn)的寶貝
summery ['s?m?ri] light, delicate or warm andsunny 如夏的
sumptuous ['s?mptju?s] lush, luxurious 奢華的
surreptitious [,s?r?p'ti??s] secretive, sneaky 鬼鬼祟祟的
susquehanna [s?skwi’h?n?] a river inPennsylvania 薩斯奎哈納河
susurrous [sju's?r?s] whispering, hissing 喃喃低語的
talisman ['t?l?zm?n] a goodluck charm 護(hù)身符
tintinnabulation ['tinti,n?bju'lei??n]tinkling 叮當(dāng)聲
umbrella [?m'brel?] protection from sun or rain 雨傘
untoward [,?nt?'w?:d] unseemly, inappropriate 不幸的,麻煩的
vestigial [ve'stid?i?l] in trace amounts 殘余的
wafture ['wɑ?ft??] waving 漂浮
wherewithal ['we?w?e??l] the means 手段
woebegone ['weubi'ɡ?n] sorrowful 愁眉苦臉的