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小編:長(zhǎng)安 2299

  Part 2


  1. A celebrity/A famous person you like名人

  2. A person who you only met recently but you want to know more about/become a friend of his/hers 認(rèn)識(shí)不久就想了解更多的人

  3. A person who you spend/ like to spend much time with 共度時(shí)光的人

  4. A creative person 有創(chuàng)造力的人 (you have worked with)/(musician, inventor or leader)

  5. A person who just moved to live with you/to a new place搬家與你同住的人/搬到新地方的人

  6. A leader you admire 欽佩的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)/A person you admire who is much older than you欽佩的人

  7. Describe a family that you like (not your own)A wild animal that you saw (which was close to you)

  8. One of your best friend 最好的朋友/A person that has influenced you對(duì)你有影響的人


  1. A tall building you like or dislike高樓

  2. A place that is open to the public公共之地

  3. A place you like most in your living city (open space)喜歡的地方

  4. A foreign country where you'd like to work for a short time短工的外國(guó)

  5. A public place in your city you like to visit公共之地

  6. A park or garden you like most in your city 最喜歡的你們城市的一個(gè)公園或花園

  7. A place where you can be relaxed放松之地

  8. A stadium in town體育場(chǎng)


  1. A piece of equipment ( in your home) you always use/An important machine設(shè)備、機(jī)器/ A product that you bought & made you happy產(chǎn)品

  2. An important thing you or your family have kept for a long time保留很久之物

  3. Something you ate once吃過(guò)一次的東西/An occasion when you ate something for

  4. the first time第一次吃某物

  5. A photo of yourself that you like/A family photo you like/Your favorite photo 或各種photo素材均可移接

  6. A gift you gave to someone禮物


  1. An area of science /A science subject that you are interested in (e.g. medicine, psychology and mathematics, etc.)科學(xué)科目

  2. An advertisement you saw/read recently廣告

  3. A sport which is good for people's health 有助于健康的運(yùn)動(dòng)/ A sport which you prefer to do (that is expensive)昂貴運(yùn)動(dòng)

  4. An interesting song you like 有趣的歌曲

  5. An App or program手機(jī)應(yīng)用或程序

  6. Your favorite movie最喜歡的電影

  7. A useful website you often visit網(wǎng)站/An article/A magazine or newspaper雜志報(bào)紙文章-均同素材

  8. A course/subject that you want to have in the future


  1. A short trip that you dislike but often take不喜歡但常去的旅行

  2. A skill you learned during your childhood

  3. Describe a goal that you would like to achieve in the future

  4. A time when you were really busy/A time when you were the busiest 忙碌

  5. A big company you are interested in 大公司

  6. A positive change in your life 積極改變

  7. An activity you did after school 閑余活動(dòng)

  8. Something you learned from your mistake 或a mistake you made教訓(xùn)/錯(cuò)誤

  9. Something important for you to keep fit 保持健康

  10. A piece of good news you got recently 好消息

  11. A time when you got up early 早起

  12. A (car/motorbike/bike) trip/journey you would like to go on汽車/摩托車/自行車旅行/A happy family event快樂(lè)活動(dòng)/An outdoor activity戶外活動(dòng)

  13. An interesting tradition in your country 有趣傳統(tǒng)

  14. sth. /An experience that made you laugh 讓你笑

  15. A time when you missed an appointment錯(cuò)過(guò)赴約

  16. A good personality you have 好性格

  17. A method that helps you save money 省錢(qián)

  18. A time you shared something with others 分享

  19. An unusual activity you have done recently/currently in the free time不尋常的活動(dòng)

  20. An event when you prepared/organized something 組織或計(jì)劃

  21. Something you planned 計(jì)劃

  22. Something interesting you recently did in your free time有趣的事

  23. A time when you needed to use imagination想象力

  24. A team project you participated in團(tuán)隊(duì)

  25. Describe a small business that you want to have in the future 小生意

  26. A special meal you would have 特別的飯

  27. A time you felt a little bit angry 生氣

  28. A wedding you enjoyed 婚禮

  需提防的Part 2變題

  1. book書(shū)/TV or radio program節(jié)目/ A movie you dislike 不喜歡的電影/game游戲/A sport event運(yùn)動(dòng)賽事

  2. A work of art藝術(shù)品/A letter信

  3. Something you can't live without 重要之物/Something you saved for 攢錢(qián)買(mǎi)的東西

  4. A language語(yǔ)言/vehicle車

  5. An actor 演員(包括喜劇演員等限定要注意)

  6. A school friend 學(xué)校時(shí)的朋友/ A friend who you haven't met for a long time許久未見(jiàn)之友/An intelligent person 智慧的人

  7. An interesting conversation 令人感興趣的對(duì)話

  8. A restaurant飯館/Café咖啡館

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