小編:長安 2385下面我們一起來看一下楊鑫老師(鑫姐)給大家分享的一個Part 1難點話題答案,相信對烤鴨們會有幫助哦~
● Do you like wearing hats? Why or why not?
Kind of. I do not often wear hats because hats are not what are always indispensable. I wear a hat for it can go well with the clothes that I wear. For instance, if my dressing style contains the element of hip pop, a baseball hat is imperative.
● Do you prefer fashionable hats or comfortable ones?
正如前面所說,貌似現(xiàn)在的帽子并不具備什么實際的功能 (除了冬天時戴帽子可以御寒之外), 因此選擇時尚的帽子似乎更為合理。
There is no doubt that I like to choose fashionable hats, and as I said wearing a hat is a part of my whole dressing style. However, in winter, what I need to consider is whether the hat can make me feel warm or not.
● On what occasions do you (Chinese) like to wear a hat?
To be frank, personally, if I have no time to tidy my hairstyle, wearing a hat can make me look more decent easily. Therefore, every time when I get up late in the morning, I will take a hat with me.
In the northern part of China, coldness in winter makes people wear hats to insulate themselves against the cold. On the contrary, people in the south of China wear hats with big brims to prevent themselves from being burned by the strong sunshine.
Staying indoors with wearing a hat is not really polite on some formal occasions according to the Chinese culture. It seems that people who wear hats like to hide themselves in the shadow of the hat, meaning that they do not want to communicate with others or they are afraid of talking with someone face to face.