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雅思變題季不用怕 提前做好準備橫掃千軍



小編:環(huán)球教育 893


  首先來看人物類,人物類一直屬于題庫中相對容易且好準備的題目。所以其實必備題目并不多,建議大家人物類只要準備好三個題目就沒有太大問題,分別是describe an old person(描述一個老年人),describe a teenager/friend(描述一個青少年或者朋友)以及describe a famous person(描述一個名人)。那么這三個題目如何應(yīng)用在口語題庫中的所有題目中,我們具體來看。題庫中現(xiàn)在在考得describe a person you want to spend time with,我們用老年人或者朋友都可以。Describe a comedy actor這一最近的熱門題目,我們就可以和名人結(jié)合。再比如讓我們描述一個鄰居,我們也完全可以和青少年或者老人題目結(jié)合。

  地點題,建議大家必備類型為,describe a house/apartment(描述一個房子),describe a city(描述一個城市),describe a garden(描述一個花園),describe a restaurant(描述一個餐廳)。選擇準備的為describe a country(描述一個國家)。這一類題目通用性較強。例如,口語中以前考察的describe a room就可以由房子一題變過來。

  再如,描述一個餐廳,描述一個購物中心以及描述一個咖啡廳,整體內(nèi)容和結(jié)構(gòu)是類似的,都是描述在哪里,吃什么(賣什么,喝什么),怎么知道的以及為什么喜歡。且喜歡的理由都可以類似,基本可以總結(jié)為1. Good service 2. Convenient location 3. Economical/ have a reasonable price 4. Comfortable environment and atmosphere等。描述花園一題,可以用于describe a peaceful place,describe a place near water甚至做一些改變,就可以用于describe a tourist attraction一題當中。



  1.Do you like to try new food?

  2.What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?

  3.Do you like to cook at home?

  4.Is it expensive to eat out in your country?

  5.What’s the difference between Chinese food and western food?

  Sample answers:

  1.Yes, I am not a fussy eater and I am keen on trying new foods. Having a variety of snacks in the streets with my friends will be great fun for me, since neither do I have any particular dietary requirements nor do I care much about food hygiene. Last year when the Taiwanese snacks exhibition was held, I was literally stuffed full to brim. Besides, I have got a sweet tooth and can never say no to the latest cakes or biscuits launched by Starbucks and Costa Coffee. To end the desserts with a cup of latte or Caramel Macchiato will be enough make my day.

  2.A wide range of foreign foods are welcomed, including hamburgers, tuna sandwiches, hotdogs, pizzas, macaroni, and spaghetti. The fast food restaurants mushroomed in recent years and enjoyed great popularity among the young generations. Although it is reported from time to time that the energy-dense fast foods contain high levels of fat and sugar, McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut make a name of themselves and become known to Chinese for their daintiness and efficiency. One can choose to stay in or to take away and can just throw the wrappers into bins rather than go through all the trouble washing the bowls and plates.

  3.Yes, I am keen on cooking at home. On weekends, I will invite my parents or friends to my apartment and make by myself lots of seafood, vegetables, roast pork, chicken, steamed fish and fried rice. On weekdays, I will prepare refreshments for myself in case of hunger or sleepiness during office hours. A wide range of in-season fruits such as cherry, kiwi fruit, lime, grapefruit contain various kinds of vitamins, trace elements with little fat. If I am particularly tired someday, TV dinners might be the preferred choice.

  4.Well, whether it is expensive to eat out in China depends on what to eat. If it is simple home cooking such as steamed or braised chicken, sweet-and-sour fish, broiled beef slices or steamed pork belly with preserved greens, then it won’t be a huge burden for average families in China to eat there twice a week. But if it is a fancy Western restaurant, which is usually for dating instead of family gatherings, then it might cost a little bit for a man to treat a woman.


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