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小編: 415






  Some people believe that developments in the field of artificial intelligence will have a positive impact on our lives in the near future. Others, by contrast, are worried that we are not prepared for a world in which computers are more intelligent than humans. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion.


  People seem to be either excited or worried about the future impact of artificial intelligence. Personally I can understand the two opposing points of view; I am both fascinated by developments in artificial intelligence and apprehensive about its possible negative effects.

  On the one hand, the increasing intelligence of technology should bring some obvious benefits. Machines are clearly able to do many jobs better than humans can, especially in areas that require high levels of accuracy or calculations using large amounts of data. For example, robots are being developed that can carry out surgical procedures with greater precision than a human doctor, and we already have cars that use sensors and cameras to drive themselves. Such technologies can improve safety by reducing the likelihood of human errors. It is easy to imagine how these developments, and many others, will steadily improve our quality of life.

  On the other hand, I share the concerns of people who believe that artificial intelligence may harm us if we are not careful. In the short term, it is likely that we will see a rise in unemployment as workers in various industries are replaced by machines or software programs. For example, self-driving vehicles are expected to cause redundancies in driving jobs, such as lorry drivers, taxi drivers and bus drivers. In the medium term, if intelligent technologies gradually take jobs away from humans, we may find that people become deskilled and lose their sense of purpose in life. A longer term fear is that computers become so intelligent that they begin to make decisions without human oversight and without regard for our well-being.

  In conclusion, while intelligent machines will no doubt improve our lives in many ways, the potential risks of such technologies should not be ignored.




  Key words:artificial intelligence ;positive impact ;not prepared for; computers more intelligent than humans

  【思考】讀完題,我們明確了這是個(gè)雙邊討論題目。這種題目其實(shí)已經(jīng)將對(duì)立雙方觀點(diǎn)直接呈現(xiàn)給了我們,我們要做的就是去分析雙方觀點(diǎn)的合理性來回應(yīng)discuss both views這個(gè)任務(wù)——AI能給我們的生活帶來的好處VS 隱患。結(jié)合我們生活中已經(jīng)在使用的AI技術(shù),相信大家不難找到思路切入點(diǎn),再結(jié)合利弊角度列出提綱要點(diǎn),例如:


  1. 智能電飯煲--從家務(wù)中解脫--做想做的事--提升幸福感

  2. 商場(chǎng)里的智能向?qū)C(jī)器人--信息完善--快速便捷--節(jié)省時(shí)間

  3. 《輪到你了》里面的犯罪側(cè)寫AI程序--計(jì)算分析功能強(qiáng)大--杜絕人工失誤--偵破案件











  People seem to be either excited or worried about the future impact of artificial intelligence. (沒有背景鋪墊,通過改寫題目方法直接切入話題) Personally I can understand the two opposing points of view; I am both fascinated by developments in artificial intelligence and apprehensive about its possible negative effects.(表明個(gè)人折中立場(chǎng):雙方都有道理)



 ?、貾eople seem to be either excited or worried about...“人們對(duì)于某個(gè)話題要么是支持態(tài)度要么是反對(duì)態(tài)度”。等同于常見表達(dá)“The issue whether...or...has sparked heated debate among the public.”或者“there has been an extensive debate over...”

 ?、赑ersonally I can understand the two opposing points of view.此處”two opposing points of views”指代上一句的“excited”和“worried”兩個(gè)相反態(tài)度,實(shí)現(xiàn)銜接。

 ?、跙e fascinated by 著迷于

 ?、蹷e apprehensive about 對(duì)……感到不安,憂慮

  【論點(diǎn)1】On the one hand(連接詞:一方面), the increasing intelligence of technology should bring some obvious benefits.(交代這段的中心大意:AI的好處) Machines are clearly able to do many jobs better than humans can, especially in areas that require high levels of accuracy or calculations using large amounts of data.(分論點(diǎn):AI在工作方面的好處) For example, robots are being developed that can carry out surgical procedures with greater precision than a human doctor, and we already have cars that use sensors and cameras to drive themselves.(以醫(yī)療機(jī)器人和自動(dòng)駕駛汽車為例佐證分論點(diǎn)觀點(diǎn)) Such technologies can improve safety by reducing the likelihood of human errors. It is easy to imagine how these developments, and many others, will steadily improve our quality of life.(進(jìn)一步說明AI運(yùn)用與工作能帶來的有利結(jié)果)



 ?、佟specially in areas that require high levels of accuracy or calculations using large amounts of data(1. especially 能起到遞進(jìn)效果,進(jìn)一步解釋前文,實(shí)現(xiàn)降級(jí)具體化,讓觀點(diǎn)變得強(qiáng)有力2. calculations using large amounts of data是通過使用現(xiàn)在分詞對(duì)定語從句calculations which use large amounts of data進(jìn)行簡(jiǎn)化,要注意高級(jí)句型并不一定都是以長(zhǎng)取勝的,而往往是簡(jiǎn)潔有效的 3.large amounts of大量的 (類似可積累表達(dá): a great number of, a host of, an abundance of, a great deal of, a myriad of, a multitude of, numerous, a large quantity of, plenty of,a wealth of )

 ?、凇arry out surgical procedures with greater precision (1.carry out實(shí)施 2.surgical procedure 手術(shù)程序 3.with+n.可以對(duì)一些表達(dá)“有著……特征的”定語從句進(jìn)行簡(jiǎn)化 4. precision n.精確)

 ?、邸ensors 傳感器

  ④  Such technologies 對(duì)上文中的醫(yī)療機(jī)器人和自駕汽車進(jìn)行指代,實(shí)現(xiàn)上下文銜接,避免重復(fù)上文詞語

 ?、荨educing the likelihood減少可能性

  【論點(diǎn)2】On the other hand (邏輯銜接詞:另一方面), I share the concerns of people who believe that artificial intelligence may harm us if we are not careful.(交代這段的中心大意:AI的弊端) In the short term, it is likely that we will see a rise in unemployment as workers in various industries are replaced by machines or software programs.(分論點(diǎn)1:短期內(nèi)AI對(duì)就業(yè)的負(fù)面影響) For example, self-driving vehicles are expected to cause redundancies in driving jobs, such as lorry drivers, taxi drivers and bus drivers. (以自動(dòng)駕駛汽車為例佐證分論點(diǎn)觀點(diǎn))In the medium term, if intelligent technologies gradually take jobs away from humans, we may find that people become deskilled and lose their sense of purpose in life.(分論點(diǎn)2:中期AI對(duì)人們生存能力和生活意義的負(fù)面影響) A longer term fear is that computers become so intelligent that they begin to make decisions without human oversight and without regard for our well-being.(分論點(diǎn)3:長(zhǎng)期來看,AI不可控,有損人類幸福)



 ?、?it is likely that 有可能……

  ② we will see a rise in unemployment “see”這個(gè)詞用得很生動(dòng),意為“見證”

 ?、?are replaced by 被……取代

 ?、?self-driving vehicles對(duì)上一段的cars that use sensors and cameras to drive themselves進(jìn)行同義替換

 ?、?are expected to預(yù)計(jì)將……=be predicted/projected to do

  ⑥ Redundancies 冗余

 ?、?Deskilled 非技能化的

 ?、?computers become so intelligent that “so...that”意為“如此……以至于”引導(dǎo)結(jié)果狀語從句

 ?、?oversight 監(jiān)管 同義詞:supervision

 ?、?without regard for 不考慮

  【結(jié)尾段】In conclusion(總結(jié)性用詞), while intelligent machines will no doubt improve our lives in many ways, the potential risks of such technologies should not be ignored.(用讓步狀語從句表達(dá)出立場(chǎng):有利有弊)








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