小編:環(huán)球教育 698這可是赤果果的干貨哦,烤鴨們快來看看吧
1. Someone you would like to spend time with - 是誰?What personal characteristics he or she has that you like? 一起做什么?為什么喜歡跟這個人在一起?【Part3: What kind of people do you like to be friends with? What kind of people don't you like to be with? Compare the things you do with your family with the things you do with your friends. Do you think people can make real friendships on the internet? Compare the friendships that people have at work with the friendships people have at school.】
2. An old person you respect - 是誰?怎么認(rèn)識的?怎么樣一個人?為什么尊敬他/她?【Part3: Who do old people today live longer than in the past? 作老人的好處?有哪些工作適合老人而不是年輕人?】
3. A person who is good at his/her job - Who the person is? What job they do? What impresses you about the way they do their job? And explain what influence this person has on others at work. 【Part 3: Do you thinks schools and universities have are sponsibility to prepare students for work? In high school in China, are there many opportunities for you to gain practical work experience? What about in university? What is the usual retirement age for people in China? If someone who is older than the retirement age wants to and is able to continue working, is he or she allowed to do that? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of hiring young people and of hiring older people for work?】
4. A school friend - What he looks like? How you knew him? What you did together? And explain why you remember him well. 【Part 3: 交友的方式?Do you think friends are important? Do you think it's easier to make friends today than it used to be? Why do some people choose to make friends on the internet? What are the qualities of a good friend?】
5. A teenager - Describe a teenager who you know. How old he or she is? How and where you met him or her? What you and this person do together? And explain what kind of person he or she is. 【Part3: What's the difference between children and teenagers? How is the life of teenagers (or children) today different to what it was 20 or 30 years ago? Would you say life for teenagers today is better than it was several decades ago? What do teenagers think about old(er) people? What do you think about the so-called 'generation gap'?】
6. A family you are familiar with (not your own) - Describe a family (not your own family) that you know well. Where this family lives? Who the members of the family are? How you know them? And explain how you feel about this family. 【Part 3: What do you think are some of the advantages and some of the disadvantages of big and of small families? In Chinese families, who usually makes the major decisions? Do you think it is good for grandparents to help bring up their grandchildren? In your opinion, what are (some of ) the attributes (= the qualities) of 'a good parent'? Do you think parents today should spend more time with their children than they do at the moment? In their free time, do families in China go out much together?】
7. A person you helped - 幫助了誰?幫助他干了什么?幫助別人的感覺?and explain how this person benefited from your help. 【Part 3: 鄰居之間的互相幫助?現(xiàn)在的人是不是不像以前那樣樂于助人?父母如何教育子女去幫助別人?Are there any non-government organizations in China that help people? What kind of people need help in China? Do you think the government should help these people?】
8. A well-known person - Who he/she is? What makes him/her famous? Why you admire him/her. 【Part3: What kinds of people become famous these days? Is this different from the kind of achievement that made people famous in the past? In what way? How do you think people will become famous in the future? What are the disadvantages of being famous? Why do you think ordinary people are interested in the lives of famous people?】
1. A tourist attraction - Describe a tourist site that you recently visited. Where you went? What you did there? Who you went with? And explain what was special about this place. 【Part 3: 在中國有多少種旅游形式?你更喜歡哪一種?你認(rèn)為這種旅游形式可以給人們帶來什么?Would you like to live or study at a popular tourist destination? What are the good and bad effects of tourism for a country? Do you think it is necessary to take steps to protect tourist sites from being damaged by tourists?】
2. Workplace - Where this place is? What facilities it has? Who you work or study with? And explain how you feel about this place.【Part 3: What facilities do you think a good school should have? In general, what do you think are the factors that influence a person's working (or studying) conditions? Do you prefer to study at school or at home? In the future, what changes do you think we will see in schools? Do you think being a housewife should be considered to be 'work'?】
3. A place with a lot of water - Describe a place that you have been to and that has a lot of water. Where this place is? Why (& when) you went there? What people do there? And explain why you like this place. 【Part 3: 為什么人們喜歡去有水的地方?有哪些水上運(yùn)動?water pollution...what should the government do...? Do you think it's important to try to save (conserve) water? Do you think people use more water today than they did before? 對家庭用水和家庭以外用水過去和現(xiàn)在的區(qū)別?What are the reasons for water shortages in (parts of ) China?】
4. A city you visited - 什么時(shí)候去的?和誰一起去的?What did you do there? What do you like and dislike of the city? 【Part3: What kind of people do you think would like to live in big cities? Do you prefer living in a city or a small town? Why are people migrating from the rural to the urban areas of China? What's the advantage for a family to live in a big city? What are some of the(serious) problems associated with living in big cities?】
5. Cafe or restaurant - Where it is? How often you go there? What kind of food they serve there (or, what service they provide)? And explain why you like to eat at this place. 【Part3: 健康的食物?為什么減肥?垃圾食品應(yīng)不應(yīng)該吃?西方餐館對本國文化的影響?What are some of the factors that make a restaurant a good one?】
6. A place for shopping - When you usually go there? How often you go there What this place sells (or, what you usually buy there) And explain why you like to shop at this place.【Part 3: Why do some people like shopping and others not like it? Compare big shops such as supermarkets & department stores with small shops. Do you think the increase in the number of big supermarkets and department stores will cause the eventual disappearance of the small, family-owned shops? What do you think of buying things on the internet? How has advertising influenced the way you do your shopping? What do you think is the most effective form of advertising?】
7. A garden you’ve been to - Describe a garden that you visited and that you liked. Where it is? What it looks like? What people do there? And explain why you liked it. 【Part 3: 公共花園有什么作用?政府應(yīng)該投資更多的錢在花園上嗎?不同年齡的群體在花園里做什么?種蔬菜和種花哪個好?Do you think governments should provide public gardens for people to visit? Do you think gardens have any value for children?】